Russian soldiers explode on a mine in Ukraine

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WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage
27 Ноябрь 2022

Russian soldiers step on a mine while carring the injured . Older vudeo with updated photo in tge end

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HaleyCatgirl 9 месяцы тому назад

the medics are the only people who i feel bad for

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Milomoir 7 месяцы тому назад

Why ? Because the others are invaders that came to kill ? Remind me how you country was made .. how all countries where made. Your feeling is normal, we identify with one side so we forget that there humans on the other side too. But that doesn't mean that it's logic or rational. If your country will be involved in a dirty war you will probably forget what you said right now and will support your side with whatever arguments that you could find.

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