Russia's War in Ukraine: Mounting Casualties for Russian Soldiers

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

⁣The war in Ukraine is taking a heavy toll on Russian forces. According to US intelligence, more than 20,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in action this year alone. This number is likely to be even higher, as Russia has not released accurate casualty figures.

The high number of Russian casualties is a major blow to the Russian military. It is also a major morale boost for Ukrainian forces, who are fighting for their country's survival.

The war in Ukraine is a humanitarian crisis, and the high number of Russian casualties is a tragic reminder of the human cost of war due to Putin's dictatorship regime and imperialistic ambitions. The international community will continue to support Ukraine, and the truth is, there are only few solutions that would end this war :
1. Putin's regime falls, due to military/civil coupe which will lead to his death .
2. Russian military looses control of occupied territories, which would require Ukraine to take over Crimea and destroy the Crimean Bridge ( Kerch Bridge ), to cut the logistics supply to Russian military forces and would lead to the fall of the Russian entire war front at its current state.
It all comes down to the Crimea and the Crimean bridge. Why Crimea is so important?
For Ukraine to win the war, Ukraine needs to take control of Crimea and destroy Crimean bridge.
This scenario will require a lot of firepower : aviation and artillery strikes that target Russian military bases , air strips and military ports in Crimea.

The "easier way" would be to destroy the Crimean bridge first and then take over Crimea . Question is , did the Russians learn from the last Kerch bridge attack ?

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