BRUTAL reality of trench warfare in Ukraine

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

BRUTAL reality of trench warfare in Ukraine
Epic footage of the battle in one of the forest lanes near Bakhmut. The fighters shot down the enemy FPV drones, when the positions occupied by the attack aircraft began to cover the occupants with heavy fire. And the gaps became closer and closer.
GoPro from the trenches of the Eastern Front by soldiers of the 4th Company of the 2nd Assault Battalion of the Third Assault Brigade.

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WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

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PeaceLovinNepali 9 months ago

I just hope these senseless killing of people stops soon. Its hard to understand that these soldiers have parents, family, loved ones and a life. Man they had dreams of going somewhere, living life but all are shattered by the fucking politicians and people at power

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blarkecheel 9 months ago

the sad truth

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