Russian military losses in Avdiivka direction of Ukraine war frontlines

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

A Russian tank and three armored personnel carriers explode along with the crew and landing party after the ammunition is destroyed. Powerful footage of repelling a massive attack by Russian troops by fighters of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade "Magura" together with adjacent units near the village of Krasnohorivka, Donetsk region at the end of October.

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2 Comments Sort By
pugsypugsy 4 months ago

fucking old assholes in the US congress need to give Ukraine more weapons, I can watch these motherfuckers get blown up all day

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gazza 9 months ago

despite it being only 360p the video quality is very good!

1 0 Reply
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Thanks , video quality = higher data usage. This being a video website, self hosting videos, after YouTube ban ... Between uploading them and going over hosting data usage , ends up being the most expensive part of running the website . We are not even breaking even with the AD revenue. I hate ads , I wish I could disable them. But they cover at least part of our expenses . Maybe things will change one day

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