Wagner execution full video: The hammer of revenge Full Uncensored Execution video

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Wagner Sledgehammer execution - full video

The hammer of revenge uncensored :
Wagner execution sledgehammer video of

Russian wagner group mercenary, who's name is Yevgenny Nuzhin, 55, being executed with a sledgehammer.

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9 Comments Sort By
Hildakessar 9 months ago

Define "Uncensored"

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WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

The most uncensored you will find, I am sorry if we didn't meet ur expectations

1 0 Reply
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Video still works, he gave his name right bfr getting killed, then saying he switched sides to fight Putin regime on Ukranian side .

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Ry Guy
Ry Guy 12 months ago

So is he being executed by russian, or Ukrainians

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WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage


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Yytthhytt 1 year ago

Also why do u sencor him hting hit

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Yytthhytt 1 year ago

What was he saying befor he got hit

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Wand3rman 10 months ago

Might not be word for word but this is what he says, " I am (full name), (date of birth), went to Ukraine side to fight against the Russians. On September 4th, I carried out my plan to transition to the ukranian side. On November 11th, 2022 I was within the streets of Kiev where I got hit over head, which resulted in me losing consciousness. I woke up in this 'underground room' where I was told I will be judged.."

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