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Russian trenches in Ukraine NSFW - Uncensored War Footage

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Russian trenches in Ukraine NSFW - Uncensored War Footage

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4 Comments Sort By
Cruise Cricket
Cruise Cricket 5 months ago

It's just a rat. I don't understand why this is age restricted. How can a rat on video be so horrible that it's marked NSFW?

0 0 Reply
Ripperboy 6 months ago

This video still won’t play on iPhones. Your largest source of potential viewers.

0 0 Reply
Dandelion_1911 9 months ago

It wont let me watch it even though I'm signed up

1 0 Reply
putze89 9 months ago

How can I confirm that I am older than 18???

0 0 Reply
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Please refer to FAQ

1 0 Reply
putze89 9 months ago

@WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage : THANK YOU

1 0 Reply
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

@putze89: u r welcome, but question : are u able to play videos using iPhone? We are trying to fix issues for iPhone users unable to play videos. So any feedback or confirmation would be appreciated. I know everything works from Android and desktops , but we had a lot of people complaints from iPhone users

0 0 Reply
dlm7597 9 months ago

@WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage : it’s finally working on my iPhone

0 0 Reply
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

@dlm7597: it's unbelievable lol. I thought we would never fix it lol

0 0 Reply
Andromeda 9 months ago

@WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage : it is working on iPhone now. Thank you

1 0 Reply
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

@Andromeda: thank you for reply , I m glad it's working for our iPhone users ! Appreciate you letting me know

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