Russian soldiers get taken out in Ukraine

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Russian soldiers get taken out in Ukraine

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1 Comments Sort By
Milomoir 10 months ago

WarLeaks : I have a question .. what is exactly the point of this website ? Because if you just want to show the reality of the war then why there is only videos of Ukrainians killing Russian ?! You know that Russians got an army too, and there is also videos on their side where they achieve something. The only time when we see something on their side is negative like dead bodies of their friends or execution and else, never a victory like an Ukrainian armored vehicle being destroyed. So what i am asking is this: Is it a political propagandist website ? Because it surely doesn't look like neutral to me.

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Milomoir 9 months ago

For those interested, this discussion is happenning under another video: -> Sledgehammer Execution : Russians are copying Wagner PMC move

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masonhidari 9 months ago

@Milomoir: Y U SALTY?

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