Russian soldier death by SUICIDE - ukraine war videos telegram

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Ivan realized that master Putin will not send anyone to save the Soviet slave , so he decided that headshot with the AK was his only way out. one way or another , another Russian fertilizing Ukrainian soil

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12 Comments Sort By
BARTZABEL ALGOL 2 months ago

A3OB Fuck that Orc!

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ig19998 3 months ago

ukraining cowards fighting with drones haha no different than the americans

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Sourdragon 6 months ago

Dude’s leg was destroyed

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MotokoKusanagi 7 months ago

Hey guys! Could you PLEASE edit this video and cut out "свинособака"? This man was very brave RIP I*. Even if sb who made this is very proUkrainian and programmed to hate everything that is Russian it is sad to see such names next to war heroes - no matter which flag they wave. 2d thing could you please review gender options? There is only male and female to choose. Hope an admin reads that!

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Meaty_Oaker_Man 7 months ago

Sorry but there are only two genders because if you believe that a fully transitioned person is whatever they transitioned to then there can only be two genders.

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jerichovolkov 9 months ago

all i see if a man afraid and alone , sent to die by his county. god forgive him

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Nomebear 5 months ago

His death is a metaphore for the future of Russia. This is tragic! It doesn't matter where he's from, he was out of options. If he hadn't taken his own life, then his Russian compatriots would have ended it.

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