Hamas attack Israel military Base

WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage

Hamas attack Israel military Base

The massive attack at dawn Saturday came under cover of a rocket barrage aimed at Israel and involved sniper fire, explosives dropped from drones, and bulldozers that ripped through the six-metre (almost 20-foot) tall double fence barrier.

this footage might not be suitable for all audience and being shared for news purposes only. we dont support Ha.as and stand string with Israel

In the opening moments of the massive attack, snipers "fired at the observation posts" dotted along the 65-kilometre (40-mile) long barrier, an Israeli army spokesperson said

A soldier stationed at an observation post also said the Palestinian gunmen "started shooting at... observation cameras, and it got to the point where we could no longer observe" the border.

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3 Comments Sort By
Conor0986 3 months ago

i don't want to see Russia vs Ukraine i want war between all Christian and muslim, muslim are disease !

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Conor0986 3 months ago

WELL < this base must have drones for defence to fly over and see where enemy is so they can react ... they own fault there monkeys make them looses .

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kondexxx 10 months ago


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Mike Sierra
Mike Sierra 10 months ago

They are all gonna burn in this world and the next.

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ig19998 3 months ago

@Mike Sierra: the real terrorist in the west and these Zionist pigs are the ones going to burn you're just brainwashed by the mainstream media! allahuakbar!

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