CIA russian recruitment video: CIA launches video to recruit Russian spies ( цру телеграм)

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The Central Intelligence Agency has launched a new effort to capitalize on what US intelligence officials believe is an “unprecedented” opportunity to convince Russians disaffected by the war in Ukraine and life in Russia to share their secrets, posting a slickly produced, cinematic recruitment video online on Monday.

The push includes a new CIA channel on Telegram, the social media network that is a highly popular source of unfiltered news in Russia. The CIA first posted the video on Telegram, which ends with instructions on how to get in touch with the CIA anonymously and securely. The video is also being posted to its other social media platforms, including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

цру телеграм

ЦРУ создало телеграм-канал для вербовки россиян

Центральное разведывательное управление (ЦРУ) США создало телеграм-канал и опубликовало в нем ролик с призывом к россиянам делиться с ведомством информацией об экономике или высшем руководстве Российской Федерации.

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