Special forces cut off an ear while detaining one of the terrorists who attacked Moscow
WarLeaks Ukraine Combat footage
23 March 2024
Special forces cut off an ear while detaining one of the terrorists who attacked Moscow
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A3OB Al's Snackbar!
I agree with most of these comments....but however I have tried to find the trial evidence all over but cannot seem to see evidence or a proper judgement. I can only say....I hope that these were the correct guys....if not....
I hate the zRussian , who believe in Putin's crap and NATO labs. But I ain't going to lie , I hate rag heads even more. Don't confuse to normal Russians or normal Muslims .... I have met plenty of cool folks from all sides. I understand normal Russians, just got no balls to overthrow Putin , but there is no HATE
I would have cut his dick and balls off and forced them down his throat put a funnel in his asshole and fill him up with gasoline...piece of shit muslim mother fuckers
https://t.me/warleaksukraine/139 link if video doesn't play